BAE's Panoramic Camera System

2015. október 14. 08:38

The holographic screen is an updated version of BAE's Q-Sight, a holographic display that's been used by the military of the United Kingdom since 2007.

2015. október 14. 08:38
Kelsey D. Atherton
Popular Science

The holographic screen is an updated version of BAE's Q-Sight, a holographic display that's been used by the military of the United Kingdom since 2007. This version is in full color, and was hooked up to a tower behind me, where three 120-degree cameras scanned the crowd. Their images were then stitched together by a computer into a panorama, and fed into both the lens in front of my face and a laptop on a counter nearby. There was also video shot by a Swedish armored personnel carrier using the same system, and as I turned my head, the camera angle of the video feed moved too -- a more combat-ready use of the camera than the crowds of a convention hall.

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