Go With Your Feelings!

2015. március 12. 09:52

Want the thing you aren't looking for, let it find you, to make you happy because it is the true one.

2015. március 12. 09:52
Oravecz Nóra
The Huffington Post

Not everybody has to save the world but if you feel that what you are in doesn't go right and you know what you have to do to be happy then start taking steps toward it. It will be hard. You won't have time for that. You might feel physical pain when you are about to start it. There won't be internet. I always get that. There isn't Internet, the laptop goes wrong or something like that. Life always tests you. It tests how much you want it. If you want, if you do whatever it takes because you believe in your intuition you feel when you're working on that particular thing then life stops testing you and helps you.

Want the thing you aren't looking for, let it find you, to make you happy because it is the true one. The true is not the one you want to be true but the one what was there before, even when you haven't known it yet. You might felt it deep inside but you have never let it arrive. Let it come, believe that anything can happen because as long as you don't believe it, you live between constrains and expectations. You want to say what can make you happy while you will never know that. We always change, we always need something else, and we always wait for something else. Or why do you think by the time we have reached what we longed for we are not happy anymore?
Let the moment make you happy and be guided by your feelings, they know where you need to be, what you need to experience. Allow it to redraw your life, to bring the miracles because there are lots of surprises for you. If you let it. But you have to be open for everything. Down with the barriers, constraints and let yourself to be happy. You deserve it.

For those who live by listening to their hearts and do what they have to do then there is no need to be afraid. You are protected and will be protected; you get everything you need to work on what has to be worked on. I tend to say that my boss is my intuition and no one pays me better. It pays when you don't even think about it and in something which no other currency can be compared to.


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2015. március 12. 15:34
ja és givpízecsensz.
2015. március 12. 15:34
add önmagad és várd a lehetőséget (vv fangli válogatott bölcsődalai)
Fakutya Vigyora
2015. március 12. 14:43
Ezekből hogy lesz valaki? Számtalan látszólag épeszű ember lájkolja, éppúgy, mint a Nyitott Akadémiát, ami ugyanilyen nyálfolyamot csorgat magából. Az pl micsoda?
2015. március 12. 13:24
Má' megin' a hülyeség!Hogy mondják angolul,hogy "hagymázas"?Ezután még pár koejjó idézet és az ember belefullad a nyálba! Btw.I think this one fits here quite well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4c2sWOSAmA&html5=1
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