Freedom of Speech

2010. december 30. 14:28

Freedom of Speech, that’s some motherfuckin’ bullshit, You say the wrong thing, they’ll lock your ass up quick.

2010. december 30. 14:28


A-yo Ice, man. I’m working on this term paper for college. What’s the
First Amendment?

[Verse 1]

Freedom of Speech, that’s some motherfuckin’ bullshit
You say the wrong thing, they’ll lock your ass up quick
The FCC says “Profanity - No Airplay”?
They can suck my dick while I take a shit all day
Think I give a fuck about some silly bitch named Gore?
Yo PMRC, here we go, raw
Yo Tip, what’s the matter? You ain’t gettin’ no dick?
You’re bitchin’ about rock’n’roll, that’s censorship, dumb bitch
The Constitution says we all got a right to speak
Say what we want Tip, your argument is weak
Censor records, TV, school books too
And who decides what’s right to hear? You?
Hey PMRC, you stupid fuckin’ assholes
The sticker on the record is what makes ‘em sell gold
Can’t you see, you alcoholic idiots
The more you try to suppress us, the larger we get

[Verse 2]

[You have the right to remain silent]
Fuck that right! I want the right to talk
I want the right to speak, I want the right to walk
Where I wanna, yell and I’m gonna
Tell and rebel every time I’m on a
Microphone on the stage cold illin’
The knowledge I drop will be heard by millions
We ain’t the problems, we ain’t the villains
It’s the suckers deprivin’ the truth from our children
You can’t hide the fact, Jack
There’s violence in the streets every day, any fool can recognise that
But you try to lie and lie
And say America’s some motherfuckin’ apple pie
Yo, you gotta be high to believe that
You’re gonna change the world by a sticker on a record sleeve
Cos once you take away my right to speak
Everybody in the world’s up shit creek

[Verse 3]

Let me tell you about down south
Where a motherfucker might as well not even have a mouth
Columbus, Georgia, said they’d lock me up
If I got on the stage in my show and said “Fuck”
So I thought for a minute and said “No,
I wasn’t even gonna do a damned show”
Cos for me to change my words from my rhymes
Is never gonna happen cos there’s no sell outs on mine
But I vowed to get those motherfuckers one day
They even arrested Bobby Brown and Cool J
Yo, they got their’s comin’, cos I’m mad and I’m gunnin’
Homeboys, and there’s no runnin’
I’m gonna tell you how I feel about you
No bull, no lies, no slack, just straight fact
Columbus, Georgia, you can suck my dick
You ain’t nothin’ but a piece of fuckin’ shit on the damned map

[Verse 4]

Freedom of Speech, let ‘em take it from me
Next they’ll take it from you, then what you gonna do?
Let ‘em censor books, let ‘em censor art
PMRC, this is where the witch hunt starts
You’ll censor what we see, we read, we hear, we learn
The books will burn
You better think it out
We should be able to say anything, our lungs were meant to shout
Say what we feel, yell out what’s real
Even though it may not bring mass appeal
Your opinion is yours, my opinion is mine
If you don’t like what I’m sayin’? Fine
But don’t close it, always keep an open mind
A man who fails to listen is blind
We only got one right left in the world today
Let me have it or throw The Constitution away

[Outro (Jello Biafra)]

What they’re trying to do with radio, with this, uh, McCarron-Walter
Act and a lot of other ways, is start by saying that they’re
protecting the public from wicked rock bands, or girlie magazines, or
whatever. But, if you follow the chain of dominoes that falls down,
what they’re really trying to do is shut off our access to information

If they can’t do it by law they know there’s other ways to do it.

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Összesen 58 komment

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2010. december 31. 13:46
az meg egy komplett vicc, hogy a "tilos rádió" már évek óta nem illegális, hanem frekvenciaengedéllyel rendelkező hivatalos médium. amire vonatkoznak a törvények, stb. ez nettó műmájerség. ajánlott film médiakontroll és kalózrádió témakörben: the rock boat.
2010. december 31. 13:44
pl. jeges tea bácsi "return of the real" albuma a warninc című trackkel kezdődik: "attention! at this moment you are now listening to an Ice-T LP if you are offended by words like shit, bitch, fuck, dick, ass, hole, cunt, dirty bitch, low motherfucker, nigga, hooker, slut, tramp, dirty low slut tramp bitch hole, nigga fuck shit, whateva.. take the tape out now! this is not a pop album and by the way suck my motherfuckin' dick" szóval lehet kreatívan értelmezni mindent, és fricskázni a törvényeket a bátrak hazájában is. de be kell tartani, oszt jónapot. egyébként ice t - szólásszabadság témakörben kevéssé objektív mérce. még az usaban is.
2010. december 31. 13:38
a szólásszabadság távolnyugaton elég kreatívan értelmezett. sokszor már az "explicit lyrics, parental advisory reqd" matrica is cenzúrázásnak minősül. ettől van ki pl. Luke Skywalker is: "What is this?? Is this not America? This is not China! This is not Russia! This is not the place where they brought down the wall, this is America! We have the right to say what we want to say, we have the right To do what we want to do, and what I do in my house, You might not do in your house! So what I do in my house is my business! And the simple fact Of it all is that we are BONDED by the First Amendment! We have the Freedom of EXPRESSION! We have the freedom of CHOICE! And you, Chinese, black, green, purple, Jew, YOU have the right to listen to whoever You want to, and even the 2 Live Crew! So all you right-wingers, left- Wingers, bigots, Communists, there IS a place for you in this world! Because this is the land of the FREE, the home of the BRAVE! And 2 Live Is what we are" pedig pl a "face down, ass up, that's the way we like to fuck" dalocska sokak szerint jogosan kapta a fekete-fehér matricát.
2010. december 30. 19:54
Az is GAGYI-MAN, aki ICE-T hallgatására kényszerejti az hallgatóságát, DE AKI MÉG IDE IS GÉPÖLI, az aztán a lúzer pöcs (metélt)!!!! És HÁT PROJEKTÁLJA A TEXT A MÉLY_AMERIKÁS SZUB-KULTURRHÁT......
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